Monday, 12 March 2012


It's difficult to express how excited I am for this show. I've booked a lot of funny people for this episode, and my sketch comedy troupe will be making its debut performance. Comedy has always been a passion of mine, so this show will be unlike any other Lilah Kemp in terms of the organization (there will be comedic stunts) and the performances. Here's the deal:
Tuesday, March 27th @ The Bus Stop Theatre
FREE Admission (but a fundraiser for the Bus Stop)

Cheryl Hann
Kate Millar
Geordie Miller
Andrew Mills
Chad Raymond Elder Poirier
Troy Richter
Josh Tibbetts

Hugh Stewart & Paul Doucette (FLAG ON THE PLAY)

Sketch Comedy from:

The podcast from the lovely anniversary show is now available on the sidebar thingy...
Next month will be the mid-season finale, and I will post the new episode titles/themes sometime over the next few weeks.
Love ya!